Ennis Welbourne (they/them) is a marginalised writer developing peer-to-peer based online groups for writers under the banner Access Narrative. They use their lived experience to facilitate accessible community for those who are neurodivergent, disabled, poor and who have experienced trauma.

They provide mentoring and editing services to writers seeking individual support with their creative projects. You can get in touch with them by emailing enniswelbourne@gmail.com.

Ennis is drawn to experimental storytelling in both fiction and nonfiction. They are currently publishing pages of their illustrated memoir-in-progress Problem Behaviour. You can read two pages of this in the survivor writers' collection You Are Here. You can also subscribe for free to Ennis’s Problem Behaviour Substack where they are sharing their musings on how we can use creative writing to aid trauma recovery.

They are a Bath Spa creative writing graduate and work part-time for London Lit Lab as Assistant Editor. Ennis has also been published in Transcribed: An Anthology of Transgender Writing.

Contact Details + Links


Problem Behaviour Substack @problembehaviour

Access Narrative – you can sign up to receive emails when I have new writing group listings at the bottom of this page or by emailing me directly!

I experience significant financial insecurity. If you’d like to support me via donation, you can make a one-off payment via PayPal or Stripe, or support me monthly via Buy Me A Coffee or through a paid Substack membership.